Friday, November 12, 2010

I miss my stupid boy.

Hello hello hello! It has been 1234567890 hrs since i last update. Today is my uncle birthday and i just walk pass him without saying or greeting him. Sorry uncle, i'm going to give you nickel when we meet again. ;). Me and Baby changed our blog url. You want to know? Don't tell youuuuuu. Use your tiny little brain and use your fingers to click the mouse in your computer, stupid. I went to a lot of places today. And let me tell you, Philippines sunny weather is gonna cook you up. Its so hot,hot,hot,hot like my boyfriend's backside, haha, i love you babe. :P. And When it rains, you feel like pushing somebody infront of a bus. You will really feel very fucked up, like how my boyfriend smells and keep smelling his pillow. I'm jealous. hmmmph. I feel like burning his pillow if he continue to kiss it. Muahahaha. I tell you ah, he is complaining now that i took so much time updating my blog and he ask me to faster. Haha. okay, He today went to reporting. I miss his calls every night. ah, shuttap. K, i'm gonna chat with my stupid baby boy. Hah, Bye ;)

Boom, 42 more days, ass.