Wednesday, November 24, 2010


My saliva is dripping now. I desperately want cookies now. I so love them like thousands pounds! I want famous amos cookies, haagen dazs ice cream so badly now. I wish i had a fairly oddparents. I could wish for more cookies. Haha. Oh well, i think i should bake cookies tomorrow? Wait, no. I don't have money right now. I think when my mother send me money then i'll buy! I'mm shooo excited! Anyway, my friends are asking me to go back to my school real often. What to do. I'm shooo lazy likea pig piggy pig. I need to travel here and there. Well, i think i'll go there by next week. ;) Too bad, i didn't had a chance to take pictures. Oh well. it has been stuck inside my camera for like 1000000 years already. I had a dooomed day today, i don't know. Well, its complicated. Don't ask. I feel kinda disappointed today. Oh well, that's how my life goes. I just bath finish. And yes, i do smell good now. Real good. Baby is playing maple now like abcdefg. He such a stupid boy k. He loves to play, watch show, play, watch show again and play. That's my stupidiest boyfriend. Whom i loved like asjhfaoifoai . I wish mama is doing fine now. I guess i have to pray hard for her. :(.

You're everything that i could ever wished for.