Tuesday, November 9, 2010

12 more days.

My head is superuberuberuber pain nao. But i'm getting better compare yesterday's yesterday. I feel so high nao. Woohoo. Today didn't stay at home muchhh. Me no likey home now. Home makes me eateat + sleepsleep = fatfat. Okay shutuppz. Hahah. I miss chua yue han the veryvery de veryvery stupid most stupid and the asshole baby i have, whom i lovelove like siaodingdongg! Me love him, so shooooo. shoooshoo! okay, 12 more days and its gonna be our 4 monthhh. i'm happy likeaa one crazy girl jump-jumping in the air. Elaineeeee loveeee his stupidboy1995. I'm finding stuffs to buy for Baby's mum. Haha. i'm planning to buy soviners for her. i know immaaa such a good daughter-in-law-to-be. I'm having dinner with Baby and Parents when i come back. Me shyshy. Neverrrrmind. Baby feel cold now so he betterbetter go and cover his ass with blanket. :) winkswinks.. Get well sooon babi asshole baby, i love you veryvery muchhhie. haha. now a days the stupid internet better go and die soon. Me hate you. Get your connection fixed first before you enter my computer. tyvm. :) My smelly baby is taking a bath noww. Hahaha. okay la. i talk a lot today. i don't knoww. K, i shall end here. Muahh. Me continue chat with Baby, baiz.

me love CYH veryveryveryverymuchhhhiiie.