Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby's back.

Yey, baby is back from batam. Welcomewelcome back :) Finally he's here again. :) i miss him like abcdefghijklo I hope he enjoy his trip. Stupid boy, pangsei me for 2 nights. 1 month and 21 more days, i'm back to singaporee again. I really hope time will fly veryvery fast because i miss my boyfriend. Friends, and yes, i don't miss my father there. He should be better off. Today nothing much happen, watch tv, play com, eat & sleep. Waiting for baby to come back. 5+ i went to fetch my cousin with my mother. Headed home, chat with baby ! (: Okay, i think i should stop here. Baibai. :P

yey, finally you're back. I miss you.