Friday, November 5, 2010

49 more days.

49 more days and i'm gonna see baby already . djlkfahsdlhfgalsdhflaijsd . can the time fly fastfast can or not . My mother is going back there in 2 days time. Unfair. Unfair. ): I'm gonna stuck in this house with my brothers ALONE. :'( And wtfasdofsadof , my father lost his job, and wtf should he do nao. -.- crazy alibaba. I'm still waitinggg for $$ to buy baby's bear. Nothing much happen today. Same thing. I went to cousin house and ok, i guess i'm ultra bored there. And i keep eating all day. I don't know why. But i'm searching for food everywhere! okay, i'd better start dieting or else i will be be fat. okay, i shall end here. Baiz.

I miss you so much. :'(